Bath council to allow motorcycles into Clean Air Zone
In a move that other councils would do well to follow, Bath Council plan to allow motorcycle an exemption from the Clean Air Zone.

BATH Council have put plans in place to open a Clean Air Zone (CAZ) within the city that charges the most polluting vehicles the most. They have also made a landmark step that excludes motorcycles from having to pay anything at all.
The plans have been drawn up by the council and will now be submitted to the government for approval.
The proposals would see significant charges for vehicles that do not meet the emissions regulations, with HGVs, coaches, and buses set to pay £100 per day to enter the CAZ. Taxis and vans entering the CAZ for the day would be charged £9 under the scheme.
The good news for us bikers though is the news that motorcycles are exempt from all charges, a move that is rarely repeated within these kinds of schemes. A statement on the Bath and North East Somerset Council website has confirmed that motorcycles would be exempt from charges, going onto the state that private cars will also not be affected. It’s reported that widespread opposition to the inclusion of private vehicles in the CAZ on economic grounds appears to have been the main factor in the Council’s decision.
Councillor Dine Romero said: “A great deal of work has gone into getting to this point, and I want to thank everyone who took part in our consultations and had their say. This has been a complex process and I’m pleased that the final business case, going before government, strikes a balance for the city, its residents and businesses. This is, of course, the first step in our ambition to make Bath cleaner and greener for everyone.”