How are your motorcycle riding skills? The MCIA wants to know with this survey
New survey from the MCIA to find out how you rate your riding skills, and whether you’d consider some additional training.

HOW do you rate your riding skills, on a scale from 0-10? Would you consider (or have you already completed) some extra-curricular rider training? This is basically what the MCIA want to know about.
Even as someone who basically rides bikes for a living (what a dream), I’d definitely not consider my own skills close to a 10. In my view, there’s always learning to be done on a bike. And if you’re anything like me, each and every time you go for a ride you come back feeling like you’re building on an ever-growing base of knowledge to ‘master the art’ of two wheels.
With the help of a quick survey (I ticked the boxes and got it done in sub 2 minutes) the MCIA are asking about you as a rider, your current experience and riding style - including what aspect of your riding you may feel needs a bit of extra attention - and what you know about the additional training out there.
Would you consider improving your rider skills with extra training?
Plus, they’re after any ‘barriers’ that may be stopping you from getting that bit of extra training in. Be it price, proximity to training centres or finding the right course, and even if you're not sure how or why it would benefit you.
Ultimately, the MCIA is looking for the best ways to communicate with us riders about further training, and what you’d be most receptive to. Your answers will quite literally shape how they go forward with rider training, so it’s seriously worth 5 minutes of your day (if you really want to ponder your answers).
If you’d like to give your opinions, you can do so here with the MCIA rider skills training smart survey.
On a side note, heading out to my first ever track day seriously improved my riding ability, and was a ridiculous amount of fun. Have a read of the Yamaha Track Experience article to find out how I got on at Snetterton.