VIDEO: BMW R1150GS on skis
Take a German bike, a mad French bloke and a pair of skis and this is what you get

THE SNOW might have gone for the moment, but when it comes back how about this as a modification for that Ewan and Charley lookalike BMW GS you've got sitting in the corner of your garage?
Yes, you may have bought into the recent fashion of looking like you are about to ride across Africa, when in fact you're just nipping to the shops, but at least you can use your bike in the worst of the weather with this outrigger/skis combination.
Made by an enthusiastic amateur from France, the BMW has skis mounted on triangular mounts and steel arms. The bike also uses snow tyres with spikes in it for extra purchase in the slippery stuff.
We like it. It's a sub-zero, two-wheeled poke in the eye for all those smug Land Rover owners!