Operation Buell recovers 378 stolen bikes in a year
You, my old son, are un-nicked...

An anti-theft initiative by Avon and Somerset police has seen 378 stolen bikes recovered in the past 12 months.
Operation Buell was set up in January 2017 to combat a spike in bike crime. In the following months victims of motorbike theft expressed their anger at a perceived lack of action from police while officers insisted progress was being made.
Last week Inspector Rob Cheeseman, head of Operation Buell, revealed that his team, along with members of bike groups, had recovered 378 motorbikes in the last year.
Notably, the Stolen Motorcycle Recovery Bristol group - an outfit made up of bikers from around Bristol - to date have recovered 30 stolen motorbikes working with police.
“Over the past 12 months Operation Buell has recovered 378 Motorbikes - this illustrates the hard work and commitment of the team," said Ins. Cheeseman.
"However, I am always keen to recognise that our performance can be enhanced by the community, this is a fundamental approach to neighbourhood policing.
"We always encourage people to be our eyes and ears in the community and I thank the Bristol Stolen Motorcycle Recovery Group for their hard work and commitment in supporting Operation Buell."