Mini-moto riding five-year-old falls foul of law
Two youngsters are given a police escort home after being stopped

A mini-moto riding five-year-old has fallen foul of traffic cops in Indonesia.
Rider Restu and his pillion were stopped on a busy main road in Sampang, East Java, in front of a police checkpoint by the cops, who are clearly surprised to see such a little boy riding a mini-moto on the major road of Jalan Trunojoyo.
According to the police, Restu lives with his grandfather and grandmother as his parents work in another city. They said his grandparents had been looking for him as the youngster usually only rode his motorcycle around their yard.
As it turns out, some other members of Restu’s family, including his father, are involved in motorcycle racing, which is perhaps why the five-year-old felt he was already ready to hit the streets. The police asked his grandparents to please keep a closer eye on him but kept their promise to let Restu keep the bike.
Apparently, this behaviour is rife among small children in the country and police have been slammed for not taking incidents more seriously.