New Haynes Manual for Honda MSX125 Grom
No excuse to avoid DIY spannering on Honda's sweet mini-moto now

KNOWLEDGE IS power, of course, and there's nothing more powerful when fixing your bike then, er, knowing what you're doing. So one of the best tools you can pick up for your bike is the appropriate servicing manual!
Back in the days before the interweb, factory service manuals cost, literally, hundreds of pounds sometimes, and weren't super easy to use either. Back then, a Haynes manual was simply essential to find out how to do tricky jobs, as well as listing specs for stuff like torque settings, valve clearances, points adjustment, and the amount of grease to fill your plunger suspension with. Indeed.
Now, there's loads of info on das web, but you still can't beat a Haynes manual. They get a bike in themselves and do all the jobs on it, so you get to see how a handy professional would do the work, often without a load of fancy factory special tools too.
Haynes has just released a new manual - for the Honda MSX125 Grom, from 2013-2018. It covers all the usual stuff, from full engine rebuilds and electrical fault finding to general servicing and repairs. It should also be useful if you've got a new Monkey - a similar bike in many ways.
The print manual costs £24.99, and online access is also available for just £16.99 a year.
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