Motorcycles to be banned from street parking in Stratford

Stratford has for years been a favourite motorcycle destination for those living in the midlands, although that is set to change

Motorcycles to be banned from street parking in Stratford
Motorcycles to be banned from street parking in Stratford

ROWS of motorcycles parked up on the waterside in Stratford is a familiar sight for many people who visit the market town in the summer.

Equally familiar will be the hoards of hungry and thirsty bikers, enjoying the bars, restaurants, and shops in what is one of the UK’s prettiest and most famous towns.

Those bikes and the people that ride them might be visiting Stratford and its famous waterside park in much smaller numbers in years to come, as the local council puts in place a ban on bikes parking on the waterside altogether.

Instead of lining up in the sun near the shops and bars, the council has created a 160-strong motorcycle parking area at Bridgeway multistorey carpark. The new parking area is around 200 metres from the area where bikes used to congregate, and CCTV is being provided along with 30 ground anchors.

The new motorcycle parking location in Stratford
The new motorcycle parking location in Stratford

The previously popular Waterside area will now be made a pedestrian-only zone, something that is reported to have come about after complaints over motorcycles blocking up the area.

Speaking about the changes, Councillor Dill-Russell said:

"I am pleased to see the long-standing issues surrounding parking in the Waterside area resolved through a general ban of parking and the nearby provision of improved, dedicated facilities at Bridgefoot for local and visiting motorcyclists.

"Their presence in Stratford town centre on Sunday is a popular sight, which we are hoping to encourage and which brings many benefits to town for trade, tourism, and local interest."

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