British motorcyclist dies after Brazilian horror smash

His insurance policy provider used a get out clause to deny him potentially life saving treatment

British motorcyclist dies after Brazilian horror smash

A BRITISH motorcyclist seriously injured in a head-on crash in Brazil has died after his insurance provider used a get out clause to deny him potentially life saving treatment.

Former Navy Seaman Christopher Peck was hit by a drunk driver overtaking a truck just two weeks into his dream four-month motorcycle trip through South America.  

Peck, from Workington, Cumbria, had his lower left leg amputated at the scene near to the Bolivian border. He also suffered broken ribs, a fractured pelvis, a fractured femur and swelling on the brain and a result of his extensive injuries was put into an induced coma and on dialysis. He later had another operation to remove the rest of his left leg, but by Monday was suffering from a general infection.

Peck required urgent treatment at a better-equipped hospital, which doctors say would have seriously improved his chances of surviving, however none of his three insurance policy providers would foot the bill.

His family are now considering legal action against World Nomads, which had sold him an adventure policy claiming to cover motorcycles.

However, hidden in the small print was a clause stating that Peck was only covered for motorcycles up to 125cc, of which his bike exceeded.

Two JustGiving pages were set up by his family to pay for his transfer to another hospital in Brazil, but he died in hospital yesterday, Wednesday 2 May.


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