Bike Shed Motorcycle Club to re-open their doors on the 14th April!
Yes! The hallowed gates to the Bike Shed in Shoreditch, London, will be unchained on the 14th of April. So we can all go back in, get a haircut, have a burger, and chill out. Finally.

BIKE SHED is finally able to re-open their gates, and it couldn’t come soon enough. They had a brief time shut, along with many other ‘non-essential’ shops due to that pesky pandemic that we won’t name, but as of the 14th of April we’ll all be able to head back in!
I’d argue that places like the Bike Shed are the epitome of essential, particularly for us bikers… but I digress.
The Bike Shed Motorcycle Club in Shoreditch has become a destination for riders across the country, home to some fantastic custom builds and top-notch hospitality - with an outdoor dining area, barbershop and retail shop all opening on the 14th.
Bike Shed re-opens 14th April
It’s important to note that the usual restrictions and guidance will be in place, for now, so the outdoor dining area and barbershop will no doubt fill up with bookings real quick. If you fancy getting your boot in the door first, they’ve said that bookings open on the 1st of April, which you can sort out through their site BikeShed.
Image: Racing the Yamaha XSR700 X-Tribute at the BikeShed Festival
'Shedlife' will be limited to 5 days a week to start with, and whilst it’s a slightly different setup to the ‘before times’, we’re buzzing to see the Bike Shed welcome us all back in.
In fact, the Bike Shed is only down the road from the hallowed Visordown Towers, so we may be rolling down that driveway reaaalll soon.
We certainly can’t wait to get down there again, and hope we see you guys and girls there. I'll be the one with a massive smile on my face.