Severe high-side injures Lowes

Sam Lowes crashes out of a battle for lead suffering concussion and a broken collarbone

Severe high-side injures Lowes


In a heated battle for the lead the impressive Sam Lowes suffered a violent high-side injuring the Supersport rookie.

As you can see in the video after being thrown high from the bike the hard return to the tarmac did the damage to Lowes, landing heavily on his left-hand side the Lincolnshire rider was knocked unconscious forcing the race to be stopped.

Lowes regained consciousness in the medical centre and after being transferred to the local hospital was diagnosed with a broken collarbone and concussion.

Despite this team manager Simon Buckmaster believes that Sam will return to racing at Monza. Speaking in the team release Buckmaster said: "Sam high sided while going for the race lead and has broken his collarbone and suffered concussion. We will be doing all we can with him to make sure he recovers quickly and fully; we expect him to be racing at Monza. He again showed his undoubted talent and his day will come."

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