MotoGP grid girl pictures Sepang 2012

A gallery of all pit babes, paddock girls and brolly dollys from the Malaysian MotoGP

MotoGP grid girl pictures Sepang 2012

GIRLS and MotoGP go together hand-in-hand and the Malaysian round didn't disappoint when it came to action both on and off the track.

We've put together a gallery of the finest grid girls and paddock babes from the circuit. There are loads of images of brolly dollys to pit lane glamour models and podium girls.

A gallery of the finest girls hand picked by our editorial team who labour over every one to make sure they're just right for the MotoGP fan.

If you like these pictures we have hundreds of motorsport grid girl galleries: Top 10 Ultimate Grid Girls, , Totty Gallery Sepang, Gird Babe Gallery Phillip Island

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