MAG Director resigns
Neil Liversidge resigns as Director of the Motorcycle Action Group

NEIL Liversidge has resigned as Director of the Motorcycle Action Group. Liversidge announced the news in statement on the riders' rights group's website, which included: 'MAG was my priority above almost everything; certainly above my paid employment, and I always felt that I was doing a great job. I know some others will disagree but they didn't have to stand in my boots and face the issues I faced. And I did face them. I never ducked one. The same was the case through the time of my return in 2012 and the Tribunal. I gave it everything and despite the undermining and the downright treachery we had to face, we got a great result. MAG today is the living proof. I regret nothing I did. I'm proud of every minute of it, every action and every decision and I would do the same again today in the same circumstances.'