Unmarked police bike rear-ended by SUV
Bad driving behind the wrong person
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54 years 8 monthsEVERY day during my short commute to work I spot at least one car driver doing something stupid. Funnily enough, it’s not the regularity of these occurrences that bothers me, but that 99% of the time the culprit seems to get away with it.
Why can’t a driver merge into my lane, pull out on me at a junction, or open his side door as I’m filtering past when a policeman is conveniently sat behind me to witness it all? It would make me so happy.
Happy like this video of an SUV driver rear-ending an unmarked police bike makes me.
Copper is not hurt but understandably very angry at being pushed into a lane full of moving traffic.
YouTube user Cycleops70, who uploaded the video, wrote: ‘This lady flew past us to get to the front. Tailgates an unmarked police bike, then runs him over.’