WATCH: Here’s why you should never trust a paddock stand

I don’t think I’d be this relaxed if this happened to me!

WATCH: Here’s why you should never trust a paddock stand

WE’VE ALL BEEN THERE – rolling the barbeque back into the garage after a weekend of tinkering on the bike.

The trouble is, those ten-minute jobs, like changing the brake pads on you Street Triple, always turn into three-hour jobs and before you know it, bedtime has arrived.

Not too worry though, the front and rear paddock stand can handle it and I’ll finish the job tomorrow…

I’ve watched this clip a few times now and can’t see what it is that triggers the fall – neither the gentleman in question nor his dog, seem to be anywhere near the Triumph when it falls.

Let’s file this one under unexplained.

Here's a link to the original post on Reddit:

Remote video URL

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