Moto2 team forced to suspend own rider saying his injury makes him 'dangerous'

Yari Montella is suspended by the SpeedUp Moto2 team over injury concerns... despite getting a medical all-clear and starting both races in Austria

Yari Montella - SpeedUp Boscoscuro Moto2
Yari Montella - SpeedUp Boscoscuro Moto2

Moto2 racer Yari Montella has been suspended by his own team for the next two grands prix as a way to formally stop him trying to compete with a wrist injury, despite him saying he is able to race.

Montella is currently in his first season of a three-year deal with the SpeedUp team but has endured a tough maiden campaign punctuated by a period of action through injury. In the six races he has started he is yet to score.

However, after returning to action for the Austrian double header at the Red Bull Ring, SpeedUp has stepped in to prevent him from riding for at least the next grands prix, despite protests from Montella himself that he is fit to ride.

“The team decided to suspend me for these two races,” he told Corse di Moto. “They sent me a letter saying that according to them I was still not in good physical shape after the injury. I've been standing still for a while and they think it's not ready yet. In the letter, they wrote that I was dangerous for myself and for the opponents. 

“Physically though, I'm fine: Of course my wrist is not as mobile as it used to be, in the sense that it is slightly blocked, but that's not a discomfort.”

Yari Montella - SpeedUp
Yari Montella - SpeedUp

The curious case has drawn attention because Montella was passed fit to ride prior to the event doctors representing the FIM, with the rider suspecting SpeedUp is looking for a loophole to annul his contract altogether.

“Of course we struggled a bit, maybe I didn't adapt well to the bike or for some other reason. But we still had a good first race and I was about a second behind the pace of the leaders! 

“I don't consider myself as dangerous to others as they have told me. But that's how it happened. They had to stop me for some other reason, or maybe because I couldn't give the results they wanted… However, we did what we had to do. "

Saying he is contacting lawyers, Montella went on to further criticise the team for its ‘rudeness’, saying SpeedUp have been in breach of contract with its management of his season.

“We 'll see how this whole story ends, but it sure wasn't great. More than anything else because by blocking me in this way, they also prevent me from expressing myself, therefore from trying to improve myself. 

However, I am in contact with my lawyer to understand the procedure: I signed a three-year contract, but there is the possibility of renewing it from year to year or not. 

“Suspending me thus is contractually stipulated, but for more serious reasons: A lack of physical preparation, a quarrel in the team, rudeness… 

“These conditions were not there, so we will see how to proceed. We hope to resolve this as soon as possible and find a good saddle. "

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