Two plucky adventurers ride Lands End to John o’Groats on two Triumph Tiger 900s

Episode 1 of the 1000 mile Lands End to John o’Groats motorcycle adventure, with Toad & Alex riding the Lands End leg and chatting with Victoria Pendleton!

Visordown Lands End to John o'Groats Triumph Tiger 900
Visordown Lands End to John o'Groats Triumph Tiger 900

Lands End to John o’Groats has forever been one of the ultimate tests for motorcycle adventure riders in the UK, and Visordown decided that a 874 mile traversal would be the best way to try out two Triumph Tiger 900 motorcycles - the Rally Pro & GT Pro. 

Typically the route is a 874 mile tour end-to-end, and would take the average rider around a full day of non-stop riding (if you are mad enough). We had 3 days planned out for our route, and with detours to see Victoria Pendleton in Bournemouth and George North at Baffle Haus in Wales, our route was looking a bit more unconventional. 

In our #VisordownLEJoG tour, as we called our expedition, Episode 1 gets the wheels rolling and sets the scene for the Tigers. With 5 episodes planned over the 3 days of riding along that unconventional route, we really got to know the Tigers well. 

Visordown Triumph Tiger Victoria Pendleton
Visordown Triumph Tiger Victoria Pendleton

The highlight of Episode 1 is (of course) our interview with Victoria Pendleton, who is an ambassador of the Triumph brand. We spoke all things two wheels, the Olympics and her new found love of picking & packing at the ThruDark warehouse!

Day 1 come to a close as we park up at the Benett Arms in Semley after over 300 miles of riding (had to get to Lands End first!), enjoy a refreshing drink and briefly cover the manic first day of riding.

There are some fantastic roads to enjoy coming out of Lands End towards Bournemouth - and luckily the weather was holding out!

You’ll have to watch the first episode, and let us know what you think on social media. Enjoy!

Watch episode 1 of our Triumph motorcycle adventure here:

Remote video URL

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