Sydney to London on a moped
Woman-chasing bike nut rides back to UK in fear of flying

ENGLISH MOTORCYCLE NUT Nathan Millward has ridden from Sydney to London on a 105cc moped in aid of Comic Relief.
Millward, riding on his moped called Dorothy, took eight months to ride through 18 countries on his worldwide quest. He's been hit by Indonesian buses, transported in Malaysian vegetable boats and almost frozen to death climbing the 5,300 metre roads over the Himalayas into India and Pakistan.
“I was in Australia chasing a woman I’d met at speed-dating the year before when immigration said I’d been there long enough. That left me two choices; fly or ride home. I’m scared of flying and the motorcycle trip had been in the back of mind for a while, so in two days I packed and planned as best I could and then hit the road with just a fortnight to ride the 3,000 miles to Darwin before immigration put me on the wanted list.
“Blazing out of Sydney with the throttle wide open and Dorothy loudly screaming, we had no clue what hurdles we would have to leap along the way. They would be high and frequent – visas, shipping, foreign tongues and exotic borders – that much was certain, and yet for the all this blind ambition and faith in something foolish, deep down we knew we could make it.”
We like his style: chase a woman to the other side of the world, it goes pear-shaped, ride back on motorbike.
Bloody legend.