Motorcycle Club to raise £10k for fallen friend
A motorcycle club is to to raffle of a Harley-Davidson that belonged to their late friend to help raise funds for the hospice that helped him in his final days

THE image of most motorcycle clubs, to the everyman at least, is normally a bunch of tough blokes with patched leather waistcoats, who spend their nights in sheds or pubs, or both, listening to rock music and talking about bikes.
And while some of those points may be true, they are also some of the most hospitable and friendly people in the fraternity, with most motorcycle clubs spending many days a year doing charity work or helping out in their local community.
Backing up my final point are the good people of the The End Motorcycle Club, who are in the process of raising £10,000 for a local homecare hospice as a thank you for helping their late friend in his final days.
Lymington based Advertiser & Times reports that the bike belonged to Pete Welland who sadly passed away a year ago after a battle with cancer. The bike Pete rode (among others) was a ‘95 Harley-Davidson 1200C Sportster, which has been lovingly restored by the member of the club, as a tribute to Pete and to help raise as much money for the charity as possible.
Before his death, Pete was adamant he wouldn’t be put into a hospice, wanting to remain at home with his family. To facilitate this, the Oakhaven Hospice stepped in, providing patient care and symptom control, all while providing emotional support for the family of the patient.
The Advertiser & Times also report that more than half of the tickets for the raffle have already been sold and priced at just £5 it’ll probably sell out very quickly.
If you want to help out, or to find more out about the motorcycle club, head to the Facebook page set up for the raffle by clicking the link below.
(Pics from The End Motorcycle Club Facebook Page)