Injured biker seeks £250,000 compensation from crash driver
Writ submitted to London's High Court

A MOTORCYCLIST who suffered serious injuries in a motorbike accident is seeking to claim £250,000 in compensation from the driver he blames for the crash.
Nicky Lambert, 34, of Canvey, Essex, suffered serious leg injuries when he was hit by a Ford Mondeo driven by Alan Murphy, on September 5th last year.
A writ lodged with London's High Court states Mr Lambert was struck by Mr Murphy’s Mondeo as he tried to turn right; Murphy's car ran over both the biker’s ankles.
The writ alleges Mr Murphy was not paying proper attention at the time of the accident.
It reads: “Mr Murphy negligently failed to check his mirrors before starting to turn right, failed to signal, failed to see the motorcycle, failed to keep a proper lookout, failed to maintain full and continuous concentration and failed to avoid the collision.”
Mr Lambert can now walk again, but claims he still suffers from limited mobility, pain on movement, psychological distress and restricted joint movements.