Honda UK to import Fury VT1300CX in 2010
Radically-styled V-twin chopper to hit British shores next year

HONDA UK have announced the company is to import the new Honda VT1300CX for 2010.
The machine, also known as the Fury, is powered by a 1312cc 52-degree fuel-injected V-twin.
Customers who want to add an individual touch to their VT1300CX and make it even more unique, a range of accessories will be available to include:
· A tubular chrome backrest and optional backrest pad for pillion comfort
· A wide, low screen with chrome stars for protection from the elements when cruising the streets
· Colour-matched front spoiler for increased custom appearance
· Chrome-plated steel rear fender to complete the solo-seat look
The VT1300CX will be available in two colours: – blue wave metallic and graphite black.