Does 'one rule for us' have validity?

Two incidents. Same road. Different outcomes.

Does 'one rule for us' have validity?

TWO very different stories have just emerged from Yorkshire showing that perhaps the belief that there's one rule for motorcycles and another for everyone else has a bit of validity.

First comes news from an inquest into a rider's death on the A63 at Garforth, West Yorkshire. Gordon Brear, 70, was knocked off his Honda VTR1000 last when a van he was overtaking turned right suddenly. Although the driver claimed to have indicated and checked his mirror, his passenger said he didn't hear the indicators coming on and the coroner concluded the motorcycle would have been visible in his mirror.

The driver, Stephen Lascelles, wasn't charged with any offence and West Yorkshire Police say no further action will be taken. See the full story at the Yorkshire Evening Post here.

Simultaneously, the news has emerged from that a motorcyclist caught on camera doing a 103mph wheelie has been banned for 12 months and sentenced to 200 hours of unpaid work. Lukasz Wisiewski, 26, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving. He'll also have to take an extended test to get his licence back. His offence took place just a few miles away from the previous incident, on the same road, albeit on a dual carriageway section and in the territory of North Yorkshire Police. See video of his heinous offence here.

Which seems more serious? The wheelie or the fatal accident?

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