Yamaha Motor President Allegedly Knifed by Daughter
Yamaha Motor President Yoshihiro Hidaka has been attacked with a knife, allegedly by his daughter

Not all families are perfect and get on, and that’s ok, but a knife attack is anything but that and this alleged attack has resulted in Yamaha Motor President, Yoshihiro Hidaka’s daughter Hana being arrested as an attempted murder suspect.
Hidaka was apparently attacked in the early hours of the morning at his home by his daughter, who is said to have slashed him across his left arm with a kitchen knife. According to multiple reports in several Japanese newspapers including the Japan Times, Hana called the Shizuoka police department at 5:30pm to report domestic violence against her father.
The police visited the property but left without arresting anyone, but later that night the police returned when the knife attack happened around 3am and that’s when they arrested Hidaka’s daughter for suspicion of attempted murder. The injury is said to be minor.
Further details are not available at the moment but Yamaha has told the press that it has no comment on the incident at this time. It adds that the matter is a private one and that the police investigation is currently ongoing.
With information scarce at the moment, we can only go off the facts provided which do not look favourable for his daughter. As and when further information is available we will update this story with the details as provided by Yamaha.
Hidaka is 61 years of age and joined Yamaha in April 1978. In 2010 he was named Vice President of Yamaha Motor Corporation for the US market. Four years later Hidaka became the Executive Officer at Yamaha Motor before being assigned the role of Senior Executive Officer and Director in 2017. Since 2018 he has been President, Chief Executive Officer and Representative Director of Yamaha (present).
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