Buy your own Tron Lightcycle replica
They brought you the Batpod. Now a US company is offering this version of the Lightcycle from the sequel to the cult classic, Tron Legacy

REMEMBER the story about the guys building replicas of the futuristic 'Batpod'? Well the company has gone a step further by replicating the 'Lightcycle', from the sequel to the cult classic, Tron Legacy.
Florida-based Parker Brothers are building five custom one-off Lightcycles to the exact specifications of the machines used in the film, which is due for box office release later this year.
The lightcycles frst appeared in a original 1982 film and each of the five bikes will be black and feature a choice of highlight colours: red, blue, yellow, green, and orange.
The bikes will sit on custom made 22"x12" dual hubless wheels with custom-made Hoosier drag tyres, specifically made for the job. The frame is 2" cold rolled and boxed hardened steel with a carbon fibre/fibreglass body.
The neon glowing highlights will be situated behind frosted plexiglass and can be turned on and off with the flip of a switch. Buyers can choose between a high-powered electric motor or a high performance petrol engine and transmission.
Each bike will cost at least $35,000 USD (around £23,000).
Imagine rocking up to your local bike meet on that bad boy!
Tron Legacy is due to hit the big screen in December as Jeff Bridges returns to play the role of Kevin Flynn.
Lightcycle on eBay