Don’t call it Harley! LiveWire ONE electric naked reborn with 30% price drop

The Harley-Davidson LiveWire is reborn as the LiveWire ONE with spun-off electric brand revealing few changes to the bike but a big change to the price

LiveWire ONE
LiveWire ONE

Harley-Davidson has flicked the big ‘ON’ switch to officially launch its new LiveWire standalone brand with the unveiling of the ONE, which in essence replaces the Harley-Davidson LiveWire.

In May, Harley-Davidson announced its ambitious - if lukewarm received - first foray into the still very niche electric motorcycle sector would be spun off into its own brand with LiveWire swapping from suffix to prefix as the name of the company branding. 

With filings last month confirming the first model to emerge from LiveWire would be the ONE, we were intrigued by some minor adjustments to the performance figures - for instance 105hp becoming 101hp - to raise talk of a second model in the naked line was incoming.

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However, after LiveWire went ‘live’ it was revealed the ONE is simply the LiveWire with a different name, plus what will be a tweaked colourway offering and some miniscule adjustments under the skin that are unlikely to have real-world deviation.

Nonetheless, as one of the few electric motorcycles designed to have some poke, the LiveWire ONE does boast some impressive figures with a 0-60 time of 3.0secs and a top speed of 110mph, with range between 95 and 146 miles. Together with a battery that can charge to 80% in 40mins, the LiveWire had some impressive credentials working in its favour upon its release… only for Harley to put it somewhat out of reach with an ambitious £28,750.

LiveWire ONE
LiveWire ONE

However, in the United States at least, the most exciting thing about the LiveWire ONE is the huge reduction in price with the tag showing now $21,999 - down almost 30% from $30,000.

We say United States because LiveWire will only be offered in its own right in its domestic market, with the LiveWire brand set to be rolled out internationally from 2022.

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