Cologne Show: 2011 Track Turbo Diesel

Greener than a battery powered bike? Apparently so...

Cologne Show: 2011 Track Turbo Diesel

Cologne Show: 2011 Track Turbo Diesel

THIS IS THE Track T800 - a handbuilt 800cc turbo-diesel motorcycle powered by an all-new Mercedes-derived engine.

Using a motor similar to Mercedes' Smart car, the Track T800 thumps out just over 40bhp but, more importantly, 100 Nm of torque. Results from a recent study found that modern turbo diesel engines can prove more environmentally friendly than battery-powered motors. Sound daft? Read this.

Visordown featured the Dutch-built three-cylinder machine last year, giving details of the clutch-leverless CVT transmission.

Cost? 18,500 euros.

Expect to see more on the road when the price drops to an affordable level.

Cologne Show: 2011 Track Turbo Diesel

Cologne Show: 2011 Track Turbo Diesel

Cologne Show: 2011 Track Turbo Diesel

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