Videos to help learner drivers improve their motorcycle awareness

The DVSA are launching a series of videos that are aimed at increasing a new driver’s awareness of motorcyclists – although they aren’t included in the theory test!

Videos to help learner drivers improve their motorcycle awareness

THE DVSA are to include videos in the new driver learning materials that are aimed at increasing a new driver’s awareness of motorcyclists. But with the videos not being featured in the theory or practical test – do they go far enough?

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) has made the realistic computer-generated (CGI) videos to encourage learner drivers to be more aware of motorcyclists. They’ve been made with the help of road safety campaigner and keen biker Ria Brisland.

Videos to help learner drivers improve their motorcycle awareness

The videos will become part of DVSA’s official learning materials and education products. They will help to improve the safety of motorcyclists, by encouraging learner drivers to be more aware of them when driving although at this time they will not be part of the theory test.

Ria’s 19-year-old son, Nick, died in April 2015 after being involved in a collision with a car while riding his motorcycle.

Ria said:

“Getting everyone to be aware of their fellow road users at all times is essential if we are to prevent collisions and the devastating consequences they can have on families.

“These new clips are thought-provoking and will make a difference to the way people look for bikers. They may prove the difference between life and death.”

Why the clips are being introduced

In 2017, motorcyclists accounted for 19% of all deaths of Great Britain’s roads, despite only making up around 1% of all road traffic.

During the year, 2,656 motorcyclists were involved in accidents resulting from a driver or rider failing to look properly. This was 17% of all accidents involving motorcycles.

Source: Reported road casualties Great Britain, annual report: 2017

It’s vital that all drivers know how to spot motorcyclists and other vulnerable road users and take appropriate action. This is particularly important for learners, which is why the clips are being made part of the learning materials.

The new videos show how easily motorcyclists can be missed by road users, resulting in tragic consequences.

Michael Ellis, Road Safety Minister, said:

“Britain’s roads are among the safest in the world, but still far too many vulnerable people are involved in fatal and serious injury collisions each year.

“After reading Ria’s story and her concerns for fellow bikers, I was determined to help her and I am delighted that these clips will now be seen by millions of learners, helping improve road safety.”

Mark Winn, DVSA’s Chief Driving Examiner, said:

“DVSA’s priority is to help everyone through a lifetime of safe driving.

“These important new clips, created with Ria, will aid driver and rider training and protect vulnerable motorcyclists. We’ll be using them in our educational products and on social media to help drivers keep a lookout for motorcyclists.”

The Highway Code section on road users requiring extra care explains what all road users should do to look out for vulnerable road users.

It includes:

  • Always looking for motorcyclists before you emerge from a junction
  • When turning right across a line of slow-moving or stationary traffic, looking out for motorcyclists on the inside of the traffic you are crossing
  • Checking mirrors and blind spots carefully

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