KTM to de-list from the stock exchange
If you’ve got shares, KTM plans to buy them back
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54 years 8 monthsKTM IS hoping to buy back shares sold in the company and de-list from the Vienna Stock Exchange following its annual shareholders’ meeting later this month.
The firm will be making a cash offer to all free-float shareholders at €122.50 per share, which is the average price of the shares over the last six months.
Not that many people will be in a position to take advantage of that offer, as only 0.6% of the company’s shares are currently floated, with the remaining 99.4% held by its two main partners. CROSS KraftFahrZeug Holding GmbH, the firm owned by KTM boss Stefan Pierer, is the majority shareholder with 51.4% of the company, while Indian firm Bajaj owns 48%.
The buyback will bring the holdings of those two partners up fractionally and remove the firm from the stock exchange.