EICMA responds to KTM, BMW withdrawal, no plans to rearrange for 2021
The 2020 EICMA motorcycle show in Milan remains on track for a November 2020 date despite KTM and BMW announcing it won't be attending

There are no plans to rearrange this year’s EICMA motorcycle show as yet, despite BMW and KTM announcing it will not attend November’s event due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The Milan show is the centrepiece of the motorcycle schedule, scene of numerous world premieres for various manufacturers and an important trade show for businesses and suppliers.
However, while the onset of the coronavirus pandemic inevitably places automatic uncertainty on EICMA going ahead depending on whether society has returned to some form of normality by the time the event comes around, the decision by two of the major manufacturers to pull out of attending piles fresh doubt on it.
With both BMW and KTM citing a commitment towards safety as its reasons for withdrawing, it is feared they will set a precedent that other manufacturers to follow suit.
For now, though EICMA remains committed to sticking to its November 5 – 8 date for 2020 regardless of the thinner manufacturer involvement, but admits it is monitoring the situation closely.
Speaking to Italian media, EICMA councillor and president of ANCMA and of the Italian General Industrial Confederation (Confindustria) Paolo Magri said: “These are complex times in constant evolution that require cohesion and we need to pay attention to what the wishes of the two-wheel industry and its suppliers are.
“For that reason, we are already discussing with the biggest national and international manufacturers in order to evaluate every possible solution in regards to our event, taking health crisis's evolution into consideration."
Nagri also contests BMW and KTM’s decision is a premature one seven months before the event was due to take place, but while the latter suggests it would return if the event was moved back to 2021, he says there are no plans to reschedule EICMA.