Classic Motorcycle MoT Headache for Euro touring fans
The BMF is looking into reports that classic motorcycle riders could require an MoT in some countries despite being exempt in the UK

THE BMF has reported on its website that it is investigating reports of a British biker being stopped by police in Spain and requested to show an MoT for their motorcycle – despite the vehicle being MoT exempt in the UK.
The story on the BMF site advises that Triumph rider was enjoying their 1970 T100SS in Spain last week when they were stopped for document check by authorities. It was then that the rider was asked to produce the MoT or similar certificate for the bike and warned that failure to do so could see the machine impounded. Sadly we don’t know how the rider got on with the situation, although like you, we hope the Spanish authorities gave the benefit of the doubt and allowed them to continue.
Taking an MoT certificate abroad when travelling by car or bike is advised by most motoring groups, although, from the documentation, we have found, the UK government doesn’t deem it necessary. Drivers and riders need only ensure their vehicle has a valid MoT – should it need one that is.
And herein lies the conundrum, how do people with classic vehicles provide evidence of this if their vehicle has classic status – is over 40-years old – and does not require an MoT at all?
It’s something that the BMF is chasing up, although it does report that Dolf Willigers, General Secretary of FEMA, has advised that this could be an issue going forwards. He said, “EU members can exclude historic vehicles from a mandatory periodic technical inspection so theoretically there should be no problem. However, they do not have to, and the UK is no longer an EU member state.”
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