Wanna ride Harleys for free in America?
Get paid (not much) to ride Harleys in Mericka...

Harley-Davidson is seeking interns – paid work experience to you and I – to ride its bikes for free and write about it on social media.
The Milwaukee firm is looking for ‘passionate social media enthusiasts’ for the 40-hour-a-week, 12-week paid position which will teach eight college students how to ride at the H-D Riding Academy.
They'll also get a crash course"in marketing at Harley-Davidson's headquarters before taking their motorcycle on the road and to events and showcases, documenting the journey while taking photos and videos for Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and Twitter.
At the end of the internship, they'll not only have experience — they'll get to keep a bike, Harley-Davidson says, but only if they pass the H-D Riding Academy course and secure a motorcycle endorsement within a certain time frame.