Take action now to protect Green Lane use in the UK

The BMF is urging the public to help protect UK Green Lane use, as DEFRA’s Landscapes Review could outlaw some of the countries most loved routes

890 Adventure Visordown Review
890 Adventure Visordown Review

AS was reported on Visordown last month, the UK government is holding a consultation that will focus on the recreational use of private vehicles on the UK's network of green lanes and byways. Should the consultation not go well for those of us that enjoy taking to the trails, we could lose access to some of the UK's best byways and lanes.

It's a fight that the BMF and other motorcyclist groups have taken very seriously, with the BMF Chair, Jim Freeman urging all riders to respond to the consultation now. 

What is the DEFRA Landscapes review?

The Landscapes Review is a government-led consultation that will focus on access to national parks and areas of outstanding natural beauty. That means The Dales, Peak District, Lake District, and any other ANOB or National Park will be in the spotlight. Many of these are crisscrossed with historic public rights of access, that are enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people a year, be them on two-wheels, two-feet, or in a four-wheeler. While the actual paper itself makes no mention of recreational vehicle access and use, the BMF has highlighted a section in the consultation that does. It relates to ‘managing visitor pressures’, which includes the impact of recreational motoring on green lanes. This is the section that worries motorcycle advocate groups the most.

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t125 greenlaning

What can you do to help save green lane access?

First and foremost, submit a response to the consultation. The only way this bill will be stopped in its tracks is by people from within the motorcycle family making their voices heard. AS the BMF points out, the time for venting on social media is over, we all need to submit a response.

Once that is done, share this article on your own social media and make the call for all of your motorcycle riding friends and ask them to also submit a response. For a detailed guide on how to fill out the survey and what information to include, follow this link to the BMF's website.

The time really is now to submit, as the survey is only open until the 9th April, and once that date arrives, no more entries can be submitted.

To make your voice heard, take part in the consultation at this link: Gov.uk

Alternatively, send your views on countryside access to this email: landscapesconsultation@defra.gov.uk

Specifically, you should state that you object to questions 13-17 of the questionnaire.

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