Monster Bike Is Officially The Biggest

Four-ton behemoth ploughs into the record books

Monster Bike Is Officially The Biggest
Monster Bike Is Officially The Biggest

Tank-engined beast is now officially world's heaviest bike

YOU SAW it first on Visordown a couple of weeks ago, and now the giant motorbike powered by a Russian tank engine has been officially recognised as the world's heaviest motorcycle.

Creator Tilo Nieber, 39 was delighted with the accolade from the festive favourite, he said:

"This is great news! We built this bike to be the biggest and you don't get much more of a bike than this."

Tipping the scales at just over a staggering four-and-a-half tons fully clothed, the 17ft 4inch long and 7ft 6inch tall still weighs in at 1.8 tons after the tank armour has been taken off. Guinness Book of Records spokesman Amarilis Espinoza has confirmed the outrageous motorcycle as the world's heaviest motorbike.

And the most worrying thing? Nieber has applied for a road licence for the behemoth. Good grief...

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