Maxxis Supermaxx Diamond road test

First the track, now the road...

Maxxis Supermaxx Diamond road test

Maxxis Supermaxx Diamond road test

We went for a pretty brisk road ride around the Algarve yesterday on the new Maxxis Supermaxx Diamond tyres. If brand names were allowed in Scrabble this new tyre would have an amazing word score.

I suspected that this 100km road route would tell us less than the previous day's track test and I was right. The biggest problem with evaluating a tyre on the road is that you're never sure what you're testing: the road surface or the tyre itself. That's why consistent race track tarmac is always much more scientific.

That said, the new Maxxis just felt like any other good road tyre on the road. High speed straight and banked stability was excellent, turn in neutral and progressive and bump absorption well suited to the Z1000SX's suspension. I didn't notice any sensation of movement from the diamond-treaded tread edges either like we had under the more extreme loadings on the race track. Put simply, I road like a bit of a twunt, rode steadily and rode everywhere in between those two extremes and didn't notice the tyres at all.

What more do you want from a tyre (apart from good mileage)? Don't turn your nose up at these tyres out of some kind of weird (and misplaced) tyre prejudice. Give them a try. Seeing as they're roughly 20% cheaper than the bigger brands, you could probably afford to do just that...

Continue here for the track test of the Maxxis Supermaxx Diamond, with an onboard lap of Portimao

Maxxis Supermaxx Diamond road test

Maxxis Supermaxx Diamond road test

Maxxis Supermaxx Diamond road test

Maxxis Supermaxx Diamond road test

Maxxis Supermaxx Diamond road test

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