Mamola crashes Schumacher's Ducati 1098R
Former Grand Prix star slings Schumi's £25,000 Ducati up the road

FORMER 500CC Grand Prix star Randy Mamola was left a little red-faced recently after he was involved in a racetrack incident while riding Michael Schumacher’s £25,000 Ducati 1098R.
The accident came during a track at the Circuit of Catalunya outside of Barcelona on Easter weekend, where Randy was helping the former F1 God with bike-setup tips. Sources say, Mamola was in the right hand stadium section near the end of the lap when a slower rider moved across the track and collided with him. Schumacher was not far back and told Mamola, “I saw that coming.”
Schumacher went on to say: “Don’t worry about it. These things happen.”
Ah well, I suppose if you're that rich...