Bike4Life Ride Out entries open

Join some of the biggest names in motorcycling and help raise some cash for a very worthy cause

the Bike4Life motorcycle rideout begins
the Bike4Life motorcycle rideout begins

The Bike4Life Rideout and Festival takes place on the 28th April at RAF Cosford, and will involve bikers riding a 23-mile route to raise funds for the Midlands Air Ambulance Charity.

When bikers think of charities they’d be more than happy to chuck some change in a bucket for, it’s a safe bet that any one of the Air Ambulance charities will be somewhere near the top of the list. The best roads are never near a hospital, they’re on the dales, the moors and in the mountains. All the places an ambulance will struggle to get to quickly.

On a personal level, I’m always happy to contribute to the Air Ambulance, if it weren’t for them my cousin, who managed to loop his R1 into a ditch breaking his back and leaving him in a wheelchair, might not be here. It’s a charity you hope to never need but if you do, the service is literally lifesaving.

Helping to keep the helicopters aloft is the Bike4Life festival, which has been going since 2014 and helped to raise a massive £87,770 in 2018 funding 35 lifesaving missions. For 2019 the organisers are hoping to break the £100,000 mark thanks to some high-profile guests including Steve ‘Stavros’ Parrish, Carl Fogarty, Ron Haslam and Neil Hodgson.

The route for the rideout starts at Meole Brace at 11:30am and finishes a RAF Cosford where guests will be entertained by live bands and biker demonstrations. There will be biker themed stalls and exhibitions to see as well as a range of refreshment stands and entertainment for young children – well behaved dogs on leads are also welcome.

To participate in the rideout head to the website and pay the registration fee - £10 per biker, £5 for a pillion and £5 for a walk-in ticket to the festival only.

Not only are participants getting the chance to share the roads with up to 3,500 motorcycle enthusiasts – you could also win the chance to lead the way, riding side-by-side with the celebrities mentioned above, simply by entering the prize draw.

To enter the prize draw bikers must book their Ride Out ticket online before March 8 at Bikers who have already signed up will automatically be entered into the draw.

For more information on the event head to the following pages:



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