Datatag unveils new security marking system
Don't want unsightly etching marks on your bike's bodywork? Then check this out

DATATAG has developed an all new invisible Ultra Violet etching system to help the fight against bike theft.
The new ‘UV’ system etches a permanent UV mark into the bodywork and is virtually invisible to the naked eye. It can only then be seen under UV light, so it does not visibly mark or spoil the aesthetics of your motorcycle’s bodywork – important when you’ve just spent ten grand on your new pride and joy!
In addition Datatag have also introduced a new layer of security in Datatag’s Datadots – now with the addition of a forensic chemical DNA called Datatag DNA, an invisible and individually unique solution. As well as being unique to every motorcycle fitted is also so accurate that one single drop in an Olympic sized swimming pool can be detected by the Datatag laboratory.
The new kit costs £89.99, excluding fitting.
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