Norton Motorcycles issues statement on customer deposits

Norton Motorcycles have issued its first official statement on where customers stand with deposits paid for unfulfilled bikes

Norton Atlas 650
Norton Atlas 650

NORTON Motorcycles have released an official statement outlining the company’s stance on customer deposits on bikes that are as yet un-finished.

Norton and its parent company TVS have a literal mountain to climb when it comes to winning back the trust of British motorcycle fans. An iconic brand it may be, but the mess left by the last administration is the kind of thing that can leave a very nasty taste in the mouth.

Thankfully, TVS, Norton and its interim CEO, John Russell, are doing everything in their power to try and right some of the wrongs left by the previous tenants. In fact, they’re going above and beyond in many respects.

VIDEO - What happened to Norton and who has bought it?

The company has today released a statement outlining their plans for customers who may be sitting in limbo without a bike. At the time of collapse, there were numerous motorcycles at the Norton factory in various stages of production. Norton with the help of TVS has confirmed that the most ‘important ongoing commitment is to address all open orders.’

The full statement from John Russell can be seen below.

“Together with our parent company, TVS Motor Company, Norton appreciates the great importance of this need to look after customers who placed deposits on orders that are as yet unfulfilled despite there being no legal obligation to do so. In this initial stage of Norton’s rebuilding phase, with the powerful backing and support of TVS, the most important ongoing commitment we face is to address all open orders. We are doing our utmost to ensure all our valued customers involved can reach a positive outcome as we work to satisfy everyone providing any balance outstanding after the deposit is taken into account is paid by the customer.”

What next for Norton Motorcycles?

As we say, the administrative mess the company was left in was exactly that and it's credit to TVS Motors for not only taking on the challenge of turning Norton around - both financially and in terms of its image - but also absorb responsibility and go the extra mile for wronged customers when it wouldn't necessarily have to.

While it cannot stretch as far as to have any input in the ongoing - and most likely drawn out - investigation into the pensions scandal that embroiled many people, TVS Motors is clearly working diligently and methodically to ensure it relaunches Norton on an even keel and emphasise this is a well-known, albeit somewhat infamous, brand with a clearer, more professional future.

Though any sale to a foreign marque raises questions about manufacturing, judging by the words we've had from TVS thus far, there isn't an immediate desire to start moving production or jobs to India and the more niche market Norton operates in will remain its focus.

Things inevitably change but this gesture of good will is a good news story for Norton and we haven't had all too many of them in the last few months.

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