Woman caught masturbating on motorcycle arrested
Florida resident fingered for lewd and lascivious exhibition

A WOMAN caught masturbating atop a motorcycle has been arrested after the sex act was witnessed by a 13-year-old boy, the child’s mother and another neighbour.
Karen Marie Dilworth was charged with lewd and lascivious exhibition by a person over 18 on a person under 16, on Saturday night.
Dilworth, 50, denied accusations that she was masturbating, telling Ormond Beach police that she was in her garage smoking cigarettes and drinking beers. However, her neighbours say otherwise.
According to the arrest report, the boy and his mother were outside their home on Pine Cone Trail, Florida, when they spotted a half-naked Dilworth facing the street and performing the sex act with her garage door open. The mother shouted to another neighbour who then told Dilworth to shut her garage door.
Police were called and Dilworth was taken to Volusia County Branch Jail but was later released after she posted $1,000 (£615) bail.